Saturday, February 7, 2009

Arc Welding

I learned arc-welding from some of the guys on the boat (Bern and Brian)! They made me wear a really nasty leather coat, huge leather gloves, and of course the large welding mask. Despite all of this protective gear, a spark still burned a perfectly round hole in my shoe, which I discovered the next day. As a souvenir, I welded my name onto a steel plate. In order to make it actually look good (ha!), Brian rounded the edges of the plate and then polished it up really nicely. I now have a 2 pound steel plate that I need to fit into my max 50 lb. baggage somehow on the way home!
I really enjoyed learning how to weld, and I wish there was more scraps of steel around that I could ruin!


  1. Oh man, that sounds like fun!! I'm jealous!

  2. Hmmmm looks to me Laura's got a new helper for the next Halloween bash!

